Invention Process Curriculum
This Process Curriculum leads students through a series of steps and activities needed to create an invention or innovation prototype that addresses a problem students identify. The process includes engagement with the community that will benefiting from the student's creation. The inclusive approach emphasizes the need for inventors to invent with (not for) intended beneficiaries. Education should align with students' interests and lived experiences. This process enables educators to identify and draw on students’ individual and cultural strengths.
The Process Curriculum includes multiple resources, compiled with permission from experts in each realm to facilitate learners work across the phases activity. I anticipate that each user will have their own expertise and subject matter knowledge that will supplement the curriculum. Users can choose which resources are most helpful for inclusion in your course.
This is work I developed during my time at Lemelson-MIT and is free and open to the public per Creative Commons.
My role as a teacher has evolved to be a facilitator of learning with my students. I recognize that the shared exploration of ideas is a powerful catalyst for intellectual growth and collective enlightenment.
Brainstorming and Ideation Methods
Design Thinking
Rapid Prototyping