Belmont’s Racial Reckoning
On Wednesday January 27, the Town of Belmont Select Board held a community forum to have a conversation about racism following the death of Henry Tapia, a Belmont resident and parent. I am grateful that this public opportunity provided members of the community a space to express their concerns and their grief following this death. Dialogue is an important first step toward recognizing that racism is an issue in our town.
Last night, I called on the Select Board to take action to actively dismantle the systems of racism and oppression in Belmont. I was one of a handful of residents who called for the town to establish a position to oversee the functioning of our local government with a racial equity lens. My question to the Select board was,
“As a private citizen, I want to support the funding of a diversity director for the town of Belmont. … Can the Select Board please commit to including this position in this year’s override budget?”
Evelyn Gómez, The Boston Globe
The Belmont School Committee established the Equity Subcommittee in September 2020 as a means to proactively address the inequities in the Belmont Public Schools. The charge of the Equity Subcommittee is to monitor and evaluate the extent to which the Belmont Public Schools are ensuring equity for all students, staff, and community members. In our work to become an anti-racist institution, we can no longer bear the burden of behavior, systems, or institutions that do not respect the humanity of every student or community member. I am proud of the work we have done to make schools in Belmont welcoming to all people.
These issues of racism and white supremacy are not confined to the school day or school boundaries. While the work we are doing to make the Belmont Public Schools anti-racist institutions is important, it would only be strengthened by similar action by the Town of Belmont. The time to act is now! Henry Tapia’s life matters!