Learnings from the Pandemic

This summer, DESE directed local governments to reopen schools safely during a pandemic without much guidance. Since this work was left to local school districts, the school committee was overwhelmed with trying to synthesize and make decisions with the ever-changing information about the transmission of the virus, the impact of air exchange in classrooms, and simultaneously offer an online and in-person school. We were all working tirelessly to make the best decisions with the data available to us. 

My biggest regret since being on the school committee has been not widening the lines of communication between families, the community, and the district over the summer. Since then, I have pushed to incorporate student and parent voice through surveys, student and parent centered committees, and office hours. Doing this sooner would have built trust within the community. If I could go back, I would incorporate family voices earlier in the process and give them a seat at the decision-making table.


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